Let's Talk

Let's Talk - Community Conversations

April 29 – Opportunities for Growth in the Most Difficult Times

The most challenging times of our lives can also be the times of our greatest growth.  Facilitated by Sam Lupica and Rev. Donna Holder, we will explore the rich opportunities for interpersonal and spiritual growth that present themselves as we take on caregiving roles, especially as end-of-life approaches for a loved one or for ourselves.

May 6 - Sharing the Burden and Gift of Caregiving

Caregiving is the most challenging role you will ever play, and can also be the most rewarding.  But caregiving can take its toll, leading to isolation and exhaustion.  Roena Clarke, a nurse, educator and caregiver of many will be with us to share resources she discovered after caring for her mother as she declined due to Parkinsons.  We will share our stories and learn how to develop a community of support for this time of our lives.

 May 13 – The Truth about Hospice

Did you know that more people live longer and can have higher quality lives with hospice care than without it?  Hospice care has changed over the years.  Jennifer Rose and Lori Beach, representatives from local hospice groups, will be with us to answer questions and to dispel myths about hospice and to explain different options for end-of-life care. Participants are invited to share their experiences and to ask questions. 

May 20 – Raising Children in a Toxic Achievement Culture

Children and teens are being pressured at a very early age to engage in a programmed effort to achieve in order to gain acceptance to the “right” schools and careers, but at what cost? How can we encourage each child’s unique gifts and path?   Kelsey Salley will facilitate a conversation based on the book, Never Enough:  When Achievement Culture Becomes Toxic and What We Can Do About It, by Jennifer Breheny Wallace.  You do not have to read the book to participate.