Volunteer FAQ
How do I volunteer?
A great place to start is looking at the volunteer opportunities listed above! If you have questions about a specific opportunity, contact the church office at westoverhillsumc@gmail.com.
How do I volunteer with Belmont Food Pantry?
Belmont is in need of volunteers each Thursday to sort and bag food. They are also in need of volunteers on Fridays to hand out food to patrons. If you would like to volunteer, visit their website to sign up.
How do I volunteer with children & youth?
If you are interested in volunteering with children and youth, please contact the Director of Children & Youth, Adria Kilbreath at whumcyouthministry@gmail.com
How do I volunteer with Westover Hills ES?
If you are interested in volunteering with Westover Hills Elementary School, please contact their main office at 804-780-5002.